Oh, you sweet, sweet Maconians. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... 1. You know how to lay back and let loose. You're just fun people. 2. You have good taste in burgers. (The Rookery's burgers are pretty ridic.) 3. You're super cute. Every single one of you. 4. You thought my jokes were funny (some people don't, can you believe it?! hehe).
And best of all, most wonderful thing of all is...
I'm honestly so amazed at how many of you came to hear and cheer and bob your sweet little heads to the music. You allowed me to do my most favorite thing in the world - be a totally obnoxious ham entertain. I am working on getting down there again in March. Yeehaw!
I leave you with this lil cute picture of y'all from my point of view. :)
Not a sad sack in the place. I heart you.
With Love, Jessie.