First Touring Vehicle!

We've been thinking about it. We've been saving for it. And now, it's here. Our baby, whom I've named Choo Choo (but Bradley refuses to comply). Please welcome our newest family member!

It was getting harder to make it to all of my out-of-town shows without paying an arm-and-a-leg for a hotel room, or sleeping on someone's couch. So, we found this baby for a really good price. It needs a lot of fixing up, but for now, we're just gonna clean her up to get ready for our show this Friday - IN FLORIDA. We will be definitely testing out the AC! Wish us luck....

Here is Choo Choo after we cleaned her for hours. In all her glory. I can't wait to see what happens now in this new adventure!

Posted on July 10, 2017 .