Posts tagged #goals

What do you DO All Day?!

This week, I've had a few people ask me the following question: "Now that you're 'not working,' what do you DO all day?!"

I go blank, every time. I get a little annoyed, a little hurt, and then I think, Man, I really need to blog about this. But all I say is,

"Um... you know... I just kinda, write and sing...."

I've never been the most quick-witted person. But if I was, here's what I would say:

"Oh, you know, not too much, except risking my life to pursue my dreams, where it is required of me to not only sing and perform as perfectly as possible, but it also requires me to write not just good - but STELLAR songs, perform said songs as much as possible, learn that "stellar songs" is a very broad term and dang near impossible to meet, book all my own shows, find money to pay for said shows via odd jobs, keep up with every social media outlet that exists, find a producer, network, convince successful people to take a chance on me, beg prospective fans to take a chance on me, and best of all, be judged by all of you. What do YOU do all day?"

You tell 'em, Self!

Ok, that was a little harsh. And I realize I sound like I'm complaining. I'm not. I am letting folks know that I ain't just sitting around the apartment, luring fans into a web of beautiful melodies via a crystal ball or something. I'm trying so, so hard. I'm scared on a regular basis. I'm overjoyed on a regular basis. I'm discouraged, too. I'm on a roller coaster of adventure, and I am choosing every hard second of it. It's worth every hard second of it.

Here are some quotes I live by these days. I found them on Pinterest, glorious Pinterest. They're great reminders for those of us pursuing great goals.

Source: via Jessie on Pinterest

Source: via Jessie on Pinterest

Source: via Jessie on Pinterest

Just kidding on that last one. :P