I celebrated a birthday last week! May 7th, was my special day, and I felt quite special.
I went to Disney World! And if you don't know, all the workers at the park are required to tell you Happy Birthday if you're wearing the special birthday pin! (Special Birthday Pin located in bottom right of the picture. I'm trying to avoid writing "located on my boob," but that would probably be the best description.)
Full disclosure, I wore it a few days longer than my actual birthday. Couldn't help myself.
The hubs and I also ate awesome food, which is essential to a good Jessie birthday.
First, we have "Fruishi," which was more delicious than it looks. It's basically sushi, but they use fruit, sweet rice, and strawberry rice paper, with whipped cream to dip it in. Oh yes.
I also partook (partake? partooken?) in this face-sized cinnamon roll, complete with this drink of gods called a "La Fou's Brew" - frozen apple juice mixed with marshmallows and mangos and who knows what else. Oh baby.
...and piña coladas
Another great part about my birthday trip was the crowds. We rode everything multiple times!
Hollywood Studios - look ma, no crowd!
Well... there was one exception to the small crowds thing. One night, we attempted to cross the park during a parade. About 8239847134512346123784 people were trying to do the same thing. We wound up getting stuck on skinny bridge with about 15,000 of our closest enemies, who were yelling and pushing each other. It was like road rage without the protection and privacy of a car frame. I was scared, to put it mildly.
Hubs noticed I was getting anxious, and he yells towards me:
"Look! Turkey Legs!"
I turned around and saw him pointing at a young Disney worker pushing a large, hot cart full of delicious turkey legs across this godforsaken bridge.
I chuckled a little.
"How are you handling this crowd?!" I asked.
"You'd be amazed at the power that comes with pushing this cart. I can knock anyone out of the way if I need to. Stick with me."
So we did. We talked with her some more, and she made us laugh through a very stressful situation.
One could say, she tickled our funny bone as we embraced her... turkey bones....?
We eventually reached the end of the bridge. We thanked her, and she asked us to follow her.
We would have followed her and that delicious cart off of a mountain.
She guided us to her little restaurant stand, and handed us two free turkey legs.
"Thanks for keeping me entertained in that mess," she said.
It may not seem like much, but for me, it meant the difference between laughing at the situation and having a full-blown panic attack.
And to top it off, she wanted to thank US. With FREE turkey legs! Do you know how much turkey legs are at Disney World?!
We had an awesome time in good ol' Disney World. But I think I've written enough about it. If I were you, I probably wouldn't even read this to begin with. Who wants to read about someone else's vacation? Maybe I'll write something deceptive in the Subject line like, "HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST" or "BABY PUPPIES PLAYING."
BUT, since you have read it, I think you deserve a reward.
I've saved the best for last. Get ready.
Bradley and I took a drawing class while at Disney.
I now present to you, my masterpiece, my treasure, my proudest achievement...
I've started the bidding at $1 Mil...
Please welcome, STITCH...
You're welcome.
(Warning: This drawing has scared some children.)